got 2 for u. not sure if u want any.
去了gap, 男宝的毛衣只要7刀了,买了三
你怎么知道那个thomas lo的事情的?
no. She is very fair and business-oriented.
你怎么知道那个thomas lo的事情的?
faint, know from you link. In the news it said he works at bay area and they live in Natomas, which is 2 hours away so I assume they were in LD.
faint, know from you link. In the news it said he works at bay area and they live in Natomas, which is 2 hours away so I assume they were in LD.
she was not working. why LD?
I thought you had some insider stories.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/30 16:08:23编辑过]
extra 40%off
she was not working. why LD?
I thought you had some insider stories.
house is too expensive for single-income in bay area so they bought a house in Natomas.
house is too expensive for single-income in bay area so they bought a house in Natomas.
He kept Truly for life support for six years. So that his wife won't be charged murder?
extra 40%off
He kept Truly for life support for six years. So that his wife won't be charged murder?
I don't think he kept Truly on life spoort just to protect his wife. I think he wants miracle. For most men, marrying a second wife is to take care of him and his kids.
had so much to do but no motivation to work:(
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