以下是引用花狸虎在3/8/2010 2:27:00 PM的发言:
多谢mm指点!那我回头多问问师兄师姐。是不是要准备点behavior question呀?
对,多问问,过来人的经验还是挺有用的。我是文科生,社会科学类的,电话里倒是没有被问到过behavior question,但是隔行如隔山,还是和你们专业的师兄师姐打听打听。我觉得比较有用的general suggestions是:
be able to talk about your research in 1 sentence/3 sentences/1 paragraph;
short answers, 否则电话上看不到人,很容易become boring;
be passionate about what you do;
emphasize FIT (know what they look for in a candidate, 有时候job description很详细,有时候很general,最好可以打听到他们的expectation -希望你将来做什么方向;funding; graduate student training; teaching; etc.) 必要时候可以动员老板去打听,呵呵. 当然这也是个双向选择的过程,mm也可以衡量一下他们的expectation和你的expectation是否相符合。
prepare some questions to ask them to show them that you are interested;
如果有landline phone, 尽量不要用cell phone
i am sure they will fall in love with your work and your personality! best of luck!