以下是引用滑石粉在6/5/2011 10:53:00 PM的发言:
我看mit说, cvs的那种比ra的好, 我就买满了2卡4个
cvs有免费牙刷?我又out了,我只知道这周有牙膏我看mit说, cvs的那种比ra的好, 我就买满了2卡4个
bless bless!!!!!
my dou is going to day care visit for a few hours July 1st ... scary!!
what's going on again?
usually 楼店 the best deal starting from Fri 2-3pm to Sat 2-3pm EST, Sunday deal ok. Then gets worse and worse from Mon --Wed. Thur is the worsest, then Fri becomes good again
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