以下是引用angelazy在12/4/2009 9:42:00 AM的发言:
no, 我这样的人以及老年人最好喝脱脂的,但小孩子应该喝全脂的。
How much sugar can my baby eat?
is recommended by dieticians that you serve your baby no more than 1-2
teaspoons of sugar in the day.
A high sugar intake may make your baby
cranky and irritated when the sugar level in her body drops after a few
hours of eating sweets. Offer desserts only after your baby has eaten
her meal, if she is a picky eater then offer her fruits that are full
of vitamins and minerals that are essential for her. Opt for
with less sugar such as dry fruits, yogurt with fruits, fruit with low
fat cream, fruit smoothies, shrikhand and fruit chaat. If you need to sweeten her food, you may want to consider using honey or
gur or jaggery instead of sugar.