Many people choose part time MBA because: 1) the company pays for it; and 2) continuous working experience. Since you have a job and may want to stay in the area, I assumed you would choose part-time MBA. For part-time MBA, location probably weights more than the rank. Many people, especially those want to change their career paths from technical-oriented to business-oriented, choose part-time MBA. So as long as they stay in the same filed, it would not be a problem for them to switch jobs.
I believe that for middle-management, one has to have both technical and managerial knowledge. Strategical level may be another story.
I taught more part-time MBA students than full-time ones, mainly because I teach concentration courses. I really don't think your age is a problem. With an advanced degree, you have more to offer than those fresh-out-of-shool-MBAs.
This is an important decision. It really defines your future career paths. So take your time and think-it-over.
I am glad that your husband is on board.
Good luck!!
以下是引用Juezui在10/6/2012 10:04:00 PM的发言:
先让我流下鼻血. 景仰下b school的faculty.....
![dvubb 图片点击可在新窗口打开查看](images/emot/em51.gif)
再问个关于part time MBA的问题. part time MBA需要考虑ranking么? 另外, part time 念出来, 方便找别家公司的更偏business岗位的工作么(假设之前没有相关岗位的工作经验, 或者很少的经验)?
我现在主攻的还是full time MBA.
主要考虑到: 1. 公司状况不稳定, 2. 公司没法给我报销part time的学费, 3. 我在现在公司的上升空间不大, 念part time 也没法内部转岗, 4. 不知道PT 出来转换工作岗位和找其他公司的工作是否容易.
不知道mm教的是PT 还是 FT MBA. 说实话, 我这个年龄在part time MBA中很常见. 但是full time MBA里面算是老的了. 比较尴尬~
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/6 22:05:45编辑过]