先让我流下鼻血. 景仰下b school的faculty.....
再问个关于part time MBA的问题. part time MBA需要考虑ranking么? 另外, part time 念出来, 方便找别家公司的更偏business岗位的工作么(假设之前没有相关岗位的工作经验, 或者很少的经验)?
我现在主攻的还是full time MBA.
主要考虑到: 1. 公司状况不稳定, 2. 公司没法给我报销part time的学费, 3. 我在现在公司的上升空间不大, 念part time 也没法内部转岗, 4. 不知道PT 出来转换工作岗位和找其他公司的工作是否容易.
不知道mm教的是PT 还是 FT MBA. 说实话, 我这个年龄在part time MBA中很常见. 但是full time MBA里面算是老的了. 比较尴尬~
以下是引用gabbie在10/6/2012 8:21:00 PM的发言:
I am not MBA, but I have been teaching MBA courses. GMAT is important, but working experience and your background also count. Schools like Phds, as I have said. I think if you can get an over 700 GMAT, you will have a good shot for top schools. We usually consider top 30 as first tier. It really depends on your location as well. You may also want to consider part-time MBA ranking (I assume you will want to part-time).
With that been said, locations are also very important (which I mentioned previously). If you plan to stay in great Boston area, I will think BC or BU pretty good choice. You can use businessweek business school comparison to see some of the facts of programs.
Your age is quite average for MBAs. I probably would not emphasis on layoffs in the applications. 1 year gap is quite normal, given you had a baby in between. But don't lie in the interview. If they did not ask, you don't have to mention it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/10/6 22:05:45编辑过]