My due date is Dec 9. But my plan starts Dec 1 every year. So...........
My due date is Dec 9. But my plan starts Dec 1 every year. So...........
I have HSA account so the 2500 is not taxable. And my company pays the premium, so I don't have any insurance expense except this 2500. Or maybe I am just being optimistic. :) the insurance expense doesn't bother me.
I have HSA account so the 2500 is not taxable. And my company pays the premium, so I don't have any insurance expense except this 2500. Or maybe I am just being optimistic. :) the insurance expense doesn't bother me.
We are thinking about that. I just changed job to this small company and a month later i was pregnant. If we knew this I won't switch jobs. We will see once the baby is out :). I am just happy that I am having a baby.
We are thinking about that. I just changed job to this small company and a month later i was pregnant. If we knew this I won't switch jobs. We will see once the baby is out :). I am just happy that I am having a baby.
Guess I have to. :) It will be a couple of years down the road till my LD can cover my insurance.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/6/11 17:25:10编辑过]
:-O How? I think this baby will live on our income till at least 18?
:-O How? I think this baby will live on our income till at least 18?
27 is young enough. No need to do 羊水检测. I think.
En en, that will be great! I will have a bunch of them then :D 哈哈
En en, that will be great! I will have a bunch of them then :D 哈哈
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