emily 爸爸见了医生了。
emily is fine , so am I .
One of my friends asked us to live at their home to isolate from emily's dad. For emily's safty, I accept the invitation.
We stay at their home. And I will not go to school in the next few days.
The bad thing is , the vaccine shot at emily's ped office is out of order now. And no one knows when it is avaible again。
I was told by the ped only if the sick child has a fever for 3 days, they will accept orwhat the sick child can do is to stay at home
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/26 14:51:42编辑过]
emily is fine , so am I .
One of my friends asked us to live at their home to isolate from emily's dad. For emily's safty, I accept the invitation.
We stay at their home. And I will not go to school in the next few days.
thank you all for the blessing
emily 爸爸见了医生了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/26 15:01:29编辑过]
The bad thing is , the vaccine shot at emily's ped office is out of order now. And no one knows when it is avaible again。
I was told by the ped only if the sick child has a fever for 3 days, they will accept orwhat the sick child can do is to stay at home
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