大厅里不久前有一篇说的是一个医生的孩子打了MMR就不太对了, 是英文的, 我当时看了。 好像说这是最新的有一点根据的东西。
MMR网上搜的话很多东西, 但的确不能凭个案来说明, 像上面那个。
但是, 我印象里是英国的一个组做了实验, 说这个是有导致自闭症倾向的, 然后, 就说很多实验follow, 说英国的实验不能重复, 是假的什么的。
我准备推迟打针。 也不是不打, 就是宝宝稍微大些打。
大厅里不久前有一篇说的是一个医生的孩子打了MMR就不太对了, 是英文的, 我当时看了。 好像说这是最新的有一点根据的东西。
MMR网上搜的话很多东西, 但的确不能凭个案来说明, 像上面那个。
但是, 我印象里是英国的一个组做了实验, 说这个是有导致自闭症倾向的, 然后, 就说很多实验follow, 说英国的实验不能重复, 是假的什么的。
我准备推迟打针。 也不是不打, 就是宝宝稍微大些打。
momo is such a pretty big girl la.............
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations
Chicken pox and MMR regularly.
The PED knows that mimi is going to China so suggested for Hep-A
MYLAR是那种有光泽的?我目前打算去LOCAL PARTY STORE买一罐,刚才打给MICHAEL'S他们现在有50% OFF,一罐才20出头,我们这里WALMART一个5毛呢,打40个也要20了,那个HI-FLOAT如果店里买得到我就买,没有就算了,ONLINE可能来不及。。。
我发现这段review comment很有用
Being a new parent, I wanted to review thorough, objective scientific data based on up-to-date and sound research principles before taking the plunge and making vaccination decisions on my child's behalf. This book provides all of that, and then some. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is extremely well laid out and complete with all the facts necessary to make your choices.
After reading this book all parents will understand 1) what vaccines are required for your children, and when; 2) what the different vaccines are made of; 3) the efficacy of the vaccines (and for how long they remain effective); 4) the range and rates of reactions to the vaccines; 5) your options related to the timing of the vaccines; 6) precautions that you can take on behalf of your children (including commercially available vaccine alternatives free of controversial additives); 7) an alternative vaccine schedule that Dr. Cave developed based on her experience (that really helped me a lot). Finally, if you choose to be a 'conscientious objector', the author provides information on how to prevent your child being jabbed without your consent.
MYLAR是那种有光泽的?我目前打算去LOCAL PARTY STORE买一罐,刚才打给MICHAEL'S他们现在有50% OFF,一罐才20出头,我们这里WALMART一个5毛呢,打40个也要20了,那个HI-FLOAT如果店里买得到我就买,没有就算了,ONLINE可能来不及。。。
Chicken pox and MMR regularly.
The PED knows that mimi is going to China so suggested for Hep-A
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations
我发现这段review comment很有用
Being a new parent, I wanted to review thorough, objective scientific data based on up-to-date and sound research principles before taking the plunge and making vaccination decisions on my child's behalf. This book provides all of that, and then some. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is extremely well laid out and complete with all the facts necessary to make your choices.
After reading this book all parents will understand 1) what vaccines are required for your children, and when; 2) what the different vaccines are made of; 3) the efficacy of the vaccines (and for how long they remain effective); 4) the range and rates of reactions to the vaccines; 5) your options related to the timing of the vaccines; 6) precautions that you can take on behalf of your children (including commercially available vaccine alternatives free of controversial additives); 7) an alternative vaccine schedule that Dr. Cave developed based on her experience (that really helped me a lot). Finally, if you choose to be a 'conscientious objector', the author provides information on how to prevent your child being jabbed without your consent.
Chicken pox and MMR regularly.
The PED knows that mimi is going to China so suggested for Hep-A
是不是打了2, 4 , 6个月的针后, 就是这几针了? 我也偷懒不研究了。 米米妈说说。
那个 HEP_A, 我们是说要打呢?
我记得那个英国的实验是说针里的重金属导致的, 所以, 也就是希望孩子大些能代谢的好些。
没时间看宝宝, 你们别撤啊, 我回来看。
大厅里不久前有一篇说的是一个医生的孩子打了MMR就不太对了, 是英文的, 我当时看了。 好像说这是最新的有一点根据的东西。
MMR网上搜的话很多东西, 但的确不能凭个案来说明, 像上面那个。
但是, 我印象里是英国的一个组做了实验, 说这个是有导致自闭症倾向的, 然后, 就说很多实验follow, 说英国的实验不能重复, 是假的什么的。
我准备推迟打针。 也不是不打, 就是宝宝稍微大些打。
我强烈支持推迟MMR。 真的不是最最必要的。而且三联针也是药厂的市场推广策略。最好就是推迟然后再三只分开打。不过需要提前告诉儿医才能ORDER。
我给父母约了在OTTAWA签证的预约。我们决定全家开车去。把牛牛也带上。从我们这边,沿着I-81开大概是9个小时的时间。(希望爸妈都签过。 )
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