怀孕、阵痛、分娩的中英文术语对照 |
abnormal presentation 胎位异常 |
abnormal uterine contraction 异常宫缩 |
Abortion 堕胎 |
abruption plancentae (premature separation of planceta) 胎盘早剥 |
acceleration phase 加速 |
acceleration 加速 |
adherent placenta 胎膜粘连 |
After Birth 产后 |
Albuminuria 蛋白尿症 |
Amenorrhea 无月经 |
amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺 |
amnioscope 羊膜镜 |
amnioscopy 羊膜镜检查 |
amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞 |
amniotic fluid 羊水 |
amniotic Sac 或 bag of waters 胎膜囊 |
anencephalus 无脑儿 |
Anesthetist 麻醉医师 |
antenatal hemorrhage 产前出血 |
anterior fontanelle 前囱 |
Apgar scoring 阿氏评分 |
aspiration pneumonia 吸入性肺炎 |
atelectasis 肺不张 |
Attending physician 主治医师 |
baseline fetal heart rate 胎心基线 |
biparietal diameter 双顶径 |
Birth Canal 产道 |
birth injure 产伤 |
birth weight 出生体重 |
blood gas analysis 血气分析 |
blood group incomaptibility 血型不合 |
bloody lochia 血性恶露 |
bloody show 血先露 |
Bottle Feeding 人工喂养 |
brachial palsy 臂丛麻痹 |
braxton-hicks contractions 早期宫缩(医学名称叫布雷顿希克斯宫缩) |
Breast Feeding 母乳喂养 |
breech of presentation 臀部先露 |
breech presentation 臀位 |
brow presentation 额先露 |
B-scan B型超声波扫描 |
Caesarean Section 剖腹产 |
caput succedaneum 先锋头 |
central (complete) 中央型 |
cephalic /vertex of presentation 头部先露 |
cephallohematoma 胎头血肿 |
cephalo-pelvic disproportion 头盆不称 |
cerebral hemorrhage 颅内出血(脑出血 ) |
cervical dystocia 宫颈难产 |
Cervix 子宫口 |
chorionic villi sampling 绒毛标本采取 |
chromosome analysis 染色体分析 |
cleft palate 腭裂 |
Coiling of the Umbilical Cord 盘卷脐带 |
Colostrum 初乳 |
colostrum 初乳 |
compound presentation 复合先露 |
concealed hemorrhage 隐性出血 |
Conception 受精 |
congenital anomaly (malformation) 先天畸形 |
conjointed twin 联体双胎 |
constriction ring 缩窄环 |
Contraction 子宫收缩 |
cord around neck 脐带绕颈 |
crowning 着冠 |
cyanosis 紫绀 |
Cytologist 细胞学家 |
Date of delivery; Due date 预产期 |
deccleration 减速 |
deceleration phase 减速 |
delivery of baby 胎儿娩出 |
delivery of placenta 胎盘娩出 |
Delivery 分娩 |
descending of presenting part 先露部下降 |
dilation of cervix 宫颈扩张 |
dilation 子宫口扩张度,一般用0-10指来表示 |
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) 弥漫性血管内凝血 |
doula 助产士 |
Down's syndrom 先天愚型 |
duration 持续时间 |
Dysmenorrhea 月经痛 |
early deceleration 早减速 |
early postpartum hemorrhage 早期产 后出血 |
Ectopic Pregnancy 宫外孕 |
effacement of cervix 宫颈消失 |
effacement 子宫颈薄化度或成熟度,用百分比来表示 |
Endocrinologist 内分泌学家 |
endotrachael intubation 气管内插管 |
engagement 胎头降入盆腔(医学上称衔接),lightening或dropping 为同一词义 |
engagement 衔接 |
Episiotomy 会阴切开 |
estimation of fetal lung maturity 胎儿肺成熟度估价 |
exchange transfusion 交换输血 |
extension of fetal head 胎头仰伸 |
external rotation 外旋转 |