by Foodstar
1 months hep.b #1
2 months DTAP, prevnar, hib#1, rotateq
3 months ipv, hepb#2
4 months dtap, prevnar, rotateq, hib#2
6 months dtap, prevnar, rotaetq, hib#3
9 months hemoglobin, lead, ipv, hep b#3
12 months varivax, mantoux
15 months mmr, prevnar, hib#4
18 months dtap, ipv, hepA#1
对于第2个月打的四个疫苗,datrickykid mm的儿医建议打针之前一小时先给泰诺, 让娃娃感觉木有那么难过。原来地主就这么做的,好像还行。
from babycenter.com
Ask your baby's doctor when she'd like you to call if your baby has a fever. Common guidelines are:
1. If your baby is less than 3 months old and has a temperature of 100.4 degrees F (38 degrees C) or higher, call the doctor immediately. A baby this young needs to be checked for serious infection or disease.
2. For a baby between 3 and 6 months old, call if his temperature reaches 101 degrees F (38.3 degrees C) or higher.
3. If your baby is 6 months or older, call if his fever reaches 103 degrees F (39.4 degrees C) or higher.
signs of allergies
nausea, vomiting,gas, diarrhea, frequent bowel movements, abdominal pain, bed wetting
cough, wheezing, breathing difficulties, asthma, rummy nose with clear secretions, eye swelling
lip swelling, face swelling,rashes, diaper rash, hives, itching eczema, mouth ulcers
headache, irritability fatigue behavior problems convulsions shock death
--you can buy teething tablet in cvs, all natural, it can reduce the pain of teething. It saved me when niuniu was teething. Her ped recommended it. You can also use baby Oralgel, which can be applied to his gum at nighttime. It makes gum numb and can reduce pain.
--You can try to cut apples into pieces and freeze it. Then give it to Qiaoqiao for teething. It's safe & convenient to use.
by Fenny
基本上是3-4个小时吃一次, 从3个小时开始训练, 慢慢的时间延长到4个小时. 尽量不到时间不给吃, 稍微哄一哄, 到了时间点才吃.
当然这个时间点也要根据特别情况有所松动,比如说上一次吃奶以后,小朋友一直没有睡在玩或者有大大, 那下一顿的时间可以略缩短,大概2个半小时就可以考虑吃了.当然这个时间的松动也是根据娃是否饿了的表现来调整的. 慢慢地小朋友的饥饿需求和吃奶的时间点就匹配上了, 胃就有了固定的作息时间, 消化吸收也就更加好.
如果到了该吃的点, 娃正睡着怎么办?
如果到了吃饭的点,娃还睡得很好, 就尽量不要打搅他的睡觉, 不要故意弄醒宝贝起来吃奶. 稍微延长时间点半个小时到1个小时左右. 如果延长了时间娃还不醒, 可以考虑换个尿布,轻轻抚摩抚摩小朋友,可以起到唤醒的作用.
临睡前的一顿奶一定要喂宝. 在完全吃饱以前,先把尿片换好,然后在继续喂一些. 娃吃饱以后就可以安心睡了. 晚间喂奶的原则就是上面一样,如果娃睡得很好, 就不要吵醒他, 如果娃开始哼哼叽叽, 就可以考虑是否该喂了, 不要等娃哭开了才喂. 注意夜间在喂完以前, 还是要换掉尿布. 这样小朋友吃完以后就可以安心睡了.
补充一条, 我的娃该吃多少?
主要还是根据小娃的胃口来, 他能吃多少就吃多少.
不过要注意在提高奶量的过程中要一点一点增加, 比如10-15ml地增加, 奶量增加以后要稳定一段时间, 观察小娃是否还有吃了不到点就饿的现象. 反之如果奶量增加以后, 娃有吐奶的现象就要考虑用缩短喂的间隔时间,来满足娃的食量.
再补充一条, 胸喂的妈妈, 要特别注意一点, 很一些时候小娃张着嘴找妈妈的奶头, 并不是因为饿, 而是需要抚慰. 这种现象的主要特征是, 开始胸喂以后娃吃2口就睡了或者没有睡, 但是安静了. 吮吸的力量都没有饿的时候大了. 这种时候就尽量不要让娃含着奶头享受. 尝试用其他的办法替代安抚左右, 必要的话可以换爸爸来哄一下.
不要强行地哄娃睡觉. 注意观察他们的表现, 有想睡的趋势, 比如眼睛小了, 哈欠多了, 才哄. 如果娃醒着但是没有闹, 就不要刻意哄他睡. 他们自己会调整啥时候需要睡觉.
by 安安
把娃放到car seat上,在car seat 上放一个白色的浴巾,娃就很容易坐正了
关于Sleep training
by Shanshan
Two methods, this is for sleeping through night, for feeding on schedule only, we had one set for 2:00am and that's the one we dropped
method 1 : cry it out, don't go comfort or feed baby, maybe give baby a pacifier if you want some quietness
method 2 : when baby starts to cry, first day wait 5 minutes, then go in and feed baby a little bit, second day wait 10 minutes, third day by 20 minutes, etc
baby 如果肚子胀气,需要吃点什么药吗?
KittyMM mm 推荐mylicon, 柜台有卖的。
by 风信子