这个交易是在一月份, 当时从WORMLET MM那里买了GYMBOREE的小女孩的衣服, 付了$40. 之后一直没有收到东西, 后来卖家收到邮局的一封信, 说是这个包裹的LABEL在途中DETACHED了, 要她把箱子里的东西描述一下, 看能不能找到. 我就和卖家联系, 说我们可以等等, 希望能找到. 如果找不到, 希望卖家能和我共同承担损失, 毕竟LABEL掉了, 卖家是有责任的, 如果LABEL贴的牢, 又保护的好, 是不会掉下或被撕破的. 这和不明原因的丢失是不一样的, 卖家在短信里承诺可以负担$20. 所以就又等了一个多月, 前些天想起这个事情, 又联系WORMLET MM, 结果音信全无, 我发的短信被CHECK了, 但没收到任何回音, 只好通过换版解决. 这个事情花去了我很多时间, 而且现在想起来都很郁闷.
在2009-1-19 0:40:18,wormlet给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: gymbree MM, 我都在帖子1楼更新了,你的total是36.74,你可以再核对一下 我的paypal:xxxxxxxxx 我还需要你的zip来确定最后的邮费,现在的total还没有包括邮费 ======在 2009-1-18 23:47:16 您来信中写道:====== | |||
在2009-2-8 22:44:31,candidcamera给您发送的消息! hi, mm, I haven't got the package yet. Do you have any idea? thanks. | |||
在2009-2-9 10:25:25,wormlet给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: gymbree 我1月23号就寄出啦,查了一下paypal里面的shipping status: Label/Receipt Number: 9102 1288 8230 0576 9244 87 另一个MM的也是上周五才收到,不知道为什么这么慢,我寄的普通parcel,MM再耐心等等吧 | |||
在2009-2-11 13:21:30,candidcamera给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: gymbree hi, mm, 我刚刚又CHECK了一下STATUS, 信息一点也没更新, 是不是丢了啊? | |||
在2009-2-11 17:12:08,candidcamera给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: RW: RW: gymbree It will be great if mm check with the post office. It is very unusual takes such a long time, even for parcel. I have some packages delivered today, but I didn't see this one. thanks. | |||
在2009-2-11 17:14:02,candidcamera给您发送的消息! 消息标题:RW: RW: RW: RW: RW: gymbree Also want to let you know that where I live is very safe, I have never lost any packages before. It is unlikely that anyone took it. What did you use for packaging? tight and sturdy? | |||
在2009-2-11 17:28:11,wormlet给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: RW: RW: RW: gymbree I promise that I package it pretty well with a sturdy plastic bag and several layers of packing tapes. All other packages I shipped at the same time are delivered. I'll go to the post office to check it some time tomorrow and let you know what's going on. Sorry about that! ======在 2009-2-11 17:14:02 您来信中写道:====== | |||
在2009-2-12 17:53:38,candidcamera给您发送的消息! 消息标题:RW: gymbree hi, mm, did you check with the post office? what did they say? Still didn't see it in today's deliveries. | |||
在2009-2-13 21:00:43,wormlet给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: gymbree I checked with the post office. They got the same status as we can see. But I got a mail from usps today. It says the parcel's shipping label is detached from the package. They asked me to fill a form with detailed discreption of the items to see whether they can find the package in their lost-found service center. I'll provide the pictures and mail the form back Monday. It's not a good news. I'm really sorry about that. But hopefully, we can have a good result though chance may not be high. | |||
在2009-2-13 22:33:27,candidcamera给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: gymbree Hi, mm, thanks for updating with me. Let's keep our fingers crossed. It is good that it is clear now what happened to the package. Keep me updated. thanks. | |||
在2009-2-24 12:48:01,candidcamera给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: gymbree HI, MM, did you hear from the post office? what should we do if the package is confirmed lost? let me know, thanks. | |||
在2009-3-5 10:00:47,candidcamera给您发送的消息! 消息标题:gymboree HI, MM, 好多天前发了短信给你, 一直没有回音, 想知道事情处理的怎么样了, 我尽量做到耐心, 但是时间已经很久了, 我付了$40到现在什么都没看见, 也没有MM的消息, 请你能理解. 期待你的回复. | |||
在2009-3-5 15:19:46,wormlet给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: gymboree MM, 家里最近发生了一些事情,一直没有上网,没看到你的消息。我已经把衣服图片信息都发给usps了,可也一直没有任何消息。如果包裹的确丢了,也不能算是我的责任吧,换版规矩也是东西寄出,卖家不负责的,何况我只是义务代购,没有道理让我来承担损失吧。当然我也理解MM付了钱,却没收到东西,我能做到底线是,退还给你$20,一人承担一半的损失(我还多付了3块多的邮费),如果MM还是觉得自己亏大了,我也没有办法,衣服是我付了钱买的,我亏进去的不止金钱,还有很多时间和精力,还啥好处也没有,以后再也不代购了。 | |||
在2009-3-5 16:15:07,candidcamera给您发送的消息! 消息标题:RW: RW: gymboree HI, MM, 请不要急, 我能联系到你就好. 我知道你也很窝火. 我可以再等等, MM也能不能有时间的话问问邮局STATUS怎么样了, 偶还抱有一线希望东西能找到, 这样我们都没有损失. 不过我也有一点小遗憾, 说了MM可能不高兴, 如果LABEL贴的很牢, 应该不会途中掉的. 换班的规矩是在不明原因丢失的前提下, 不过我很高兴MM把发生的状况都告诉俺了, 是个NICE的MM. MM放心, 我不回让你负担所有的费用的, 让我们再等等吧, 说不定还能找到呢? 我大该再过一个月联系MM, 只要MM不要不理俺就行. 这中间如果有什么新情况, 你可以联系我, 你看行吗? | |||
在2009-3-5 16:41:06,wormlet给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: gymboree 那就再等等吧。我也要说明,Label不是整张掉下来的,是从中间撕破开的,不是我没贴牢,最多算我没有把整张label都用tape贴上,所以我才愿意承担一部分损失。我有时间会去邮局再问一下,虽然希望可能不大。 | |||
在2009-4-13 23:25:15,candidcamera给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: gymbree HI, mm, sorry to bother you again. Haven't heard anything since a month ago. I guess there is no more hope to find the items. It will be great if mm can share the cost with me as you mentioned last time. my paypal: xxxxxxx. I'm sorry it has to work out this way. We both lose, but hope we can learn from this experience. thanks. | |||
在2009-4-30 8:32:50,candidcamera给您发送的消息! | |||
消息标题:RW: RW: RW: RW: gymboree Hi, mm, Please contact me ASAP. I have been trying to be patient as much as I can. You said you would share the half of the lost with me. Let's get settled now please. I don't want to bring this up to paypal or huan ban. Thanks for understanding. MY paypal: xxxxxxxx | |||
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-1 12:34:23编辑过]