以下是引用小浣在10/22/2010 3:14:00 PM的发言:
质量问题,everybody has different opinion. My requirement is not high, the
best mall in our city is dillards, we don't have NM, saks etc,. 你说以前的帖子里,裙子卖30刀包邮,对。但是我想说我忘了当时怎么写的 。放到新帖子里,裙子30刀没写包邮,用JUICY促销囤货,这就是我的本意。我也并没有低买高卖,裙子邮费多钱?2.3刀?我如果给你2.3刀你心里就平衡了,不写这个帖子了么。裙子实际是给我妈买的,但是她嫌自己腰粗,穿着不好看,我就拿来转,并不是你说的质量问题,我觉得没有问题。你觉得咋有问题了?淘宝东西怎么了,裙子是韩国代购的。你也都知道。人和人差距这么大么。儿了。我没有逼你买JUICY,捆绑写的也很清楚,到头来,再埋怨我一下,心里舒服了没。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/22 15:26:12编辑过]
AT, BR are the brands that I can accept. But the skirt from "tao bao" definitely is in a lower class than "AT, BR". Maybe more like those in Forever 21. That is my opinion.