mm发帖应该看全部,而不是断章取义。wx的最后卖家最后offer我降价 是我没有接受,要求退鞋。卖家发了我不认识的label 我当然先和卖家确认,而不是上网问别人。
shallbytwo 发表于 2/9/2018 6:33:19 PM [url=]
我觉得你俩当时沟通的都已经不太愉快了,这种send to 和 from 一致的问题,真的可以先google一下的。 你确定你问了邮局了么?
2. Return addresses same as destination is a trick, used quite often, to make package come back to where it supposed to if something happens.
Let say post office decides not to deliver package (postage for example) and takes package back to the "from" address. That way it's still a seller who gets this package. Not you.