以下是引用emmmma在2007-8-15 18:45:00的发言:
相信MM不是来赚钱的,毕竟如果要赚钱,不会到这个平台来换几件人人都知道sale价格的衣服,也不会来换几个华人都知道是made in China的钥匙扣,如果是我,要赚钱就早放到ebay去卖了。MM还是少说多做吧,有些事只会越描越黑,就是你这种非要挣个明白的个性才会惹来这么多口水的,姿态要摆低点,这个地方是比较欺生的
i don't think so. in fact, it's that elder IDs could get more appreciations and/or compliments in their posts b/c people know them better, but it doesn't mean to "bully newer IDs". In other words, logically and practically, praising elder IDs doesn't equal to (or necessarily lead to) bullying newer IDs.