PS, 刚刚仔细看了一眼,确实有解释权属于组委会阿。那还有什么可说的。没有组委会,这个比赛连影子都没有,别说威望了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-12 0:48:15编辑过]
I am not interested in either 魅力 or 威望, and indeed I am not interested in the competition at all but the game itself and I didn't bother to participate the competition but watching. Whoever is the winner doesn't matter to me as long as it is encouraging and enjoyable to all the participants. I wrote this post only because a lot of people were talking about fairness and accusing other people in the name of fairness but the whole process looks selectively fair to some inner people (surely I may be wrong because I am just an outsider and didn't know some inside news, but at least the evidence was not that convincing). I may sound that I am on that side, but I am not. I am just questioning the way this so-called cheating event was handled (Really don't want to go to more details....).
I appreciate Yanmai and Nongyao's hard work as much as if not more than those do. But it is worthy pointing out the problem. And surely I would not have posted this if 组委会 had said "yes, our interpretation is to make it fair to our inside people".
Anyways, no offense to anyone. Just hope people ---players and admins, insiders and outsiders-- keep good spirit about the game.
Some people really should learn the spirit of the game----for fun, not for score.
That is all I want to say and then I shut up about this no matter what.....
Sorry, Yanmai and Nongyao....
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-12 17:35:58编辑过]
I am not interested in either 魅力 or 威望, and indeed I am not interested in the competition at all but the game itself and I didn't bother to participate the competition but watching. Whoever is the winner doesn't matter to me as long as it is encouraging and enjoyable to all the participants. I wrote this post only because a lot of people were talking about fairness and accusing other people in the name of fairness but the whole process looks selectively fair to some inner people (surely I may be wrong because I am just an outsider and didn't know some inside news, but at least the evidence was not that convincing). I may sound that I am on that side, but I am not. I am just questioning the way this so-called cheating event was handled (Really don't want to go to more details....).
I appreciate Yanmai and Nongyao's hard work as much as if not more than those do. But it is worthy pointing out the problem. And surely I would not have posted this if 组委会 had said "yes, our interpretation is to make it fair to our inside people".
Anyways, no offense to anyone. Just hope people ---players and admins, insiders and outsiders-- keep good spirit about the game.
Some people really should learn the spirit of the game----for fun, not for score.
That is all I want to say and then I shut up about this no matter what.....
Sorry, Yanmai and Nongyao....
遵守你的所说,no matter what, shut up you。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-12 23:01:06编辑过]
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