hiring manager马上回复了我的面试感谢信,看起来还积极, 但是快一周了,还没有收到任何消息, 会不会黄了?
Thank you for the follow up note. It was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to continuing the conversation.
hiring manager马上回复了我的面试感谢信,看起来还积极, 但是快一周了,还没有收到任何消息, 会不会黄了?
Thank you for the follow up note. It was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to continuing the conversation.
HM回复你而且已经说continue conversation, 有戏。一周没正式回音很正常,hiring manager有很多其他事情的啊。如果2周没回音,联系recruiter或者你的推荐人帮你催一催。
既然说continue conversation,应该是有戏的。再等等吧,别着急。
big big bless
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