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Lucy Gao

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06-09-06 21:44操作
Lucy Gao
Have you heard about her b-day invitation. Was it meant to a joke?
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06-09-06 22:00操作
I have heard about it. I don't think it was a joke, but I am not sure why she did it.
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06-09-06 22:24操作

who is lucy gao?

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06-09-06 23:25操作

The story of Lucy Gao - like that of London lawyer Claire Swire and New York finance analyst Mary B Callahan - is a cautionary tale for hi-tech times.

Two weeks ago Ms Gao, an Oxford University engineering graduate and an intern at Citigroup bank in London, emailed instructions to about 40 friends who were due to attend her 21st birthday party at the Ritz Hotel that Friday night.

One guest sent the message to a colleague. It raced around Citigroup in hours. Within days it had circled the globe.

"I can't contain myself," said one forwarder. "I've just been told by my boss its gone all over the banks and they're all laughing about it," said another.

Yet another, Catherine Stewart, wrote: "I don't like to spread things...I feel quite bad really - but you just HAVE to read this...."

In 2000 Claire Swire sent her boyfriend an email praising his prowess at oral sex; he forwarded it to his mates, who sent it to the world. Mary Callahan lamented a night of bad sex in a message to a girlfriend, then clicked the wrong button. Ms Gao wrote nothing steamy. She simply seemed a little uptight about her party.

Under the heading, INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTRY, she advised guests how to talk to Ritz staff on arrival: "When asked, 'How can I help you Sir/Madame?', you reply, "I am here for Lucy's Birthday Party at the Rivoli Bar."

If anyone had trouble getting in, "please call my mobile...and my PA Ms Gill [another intern] will kindly deal with your queries between 8.30pm to 10pm."

Guests were to arrive at nine, but at staggered 15-minute intervals; the email listed who should arrive when.

Photos would be taken at 10, candles blown out at 10.30. The cake would be served by "Ritz waiters ... with Ritz cutleries ... this will be on me so please come and indulge."

Dress code was jacket and tie for gentlemen, with "no jeans, trainers, flip-flops, polo-shirts." Ladies might wear skirt and top or cocktail dress but "no denim, mini-skirts, flip-flips, bad tastes."

"It goes without saying that the more upper-class you dress, the less likely you shall be denied entry," Ms Gao Colleagues forwarded the message beneath barbed remarks such as: "Maybe we need to revisit the intern selection criteria, I think the emphasis on control may be too high!"

Too late, Ms Gao apparently sent a desperate email within Citigroup that reads: "I am sorry if you found the content of the invitation details offensive and I am glad to entertain. Please stop now."

Last weekend the story reached the British press and even a newspaper in the Middle East. Workmates rushed to defend and praise Ms Gao, who was said to be hurt and in hiding.

"My original email was supposed to be a joke between me and my guests but hey, ppl kinda interpret it wrong once it got fwded to the World and out of control ... never mind," she emailed another finance worker.

She is not alone. Last year senior lawyer Richard Phillips resigned after the circulation of an email ordering his secretary to pay a ?4 dry cleaning bill for a tomato sauce stain on his trousers.

In July the British press reported on 38-year old web designer Joe Dobbie, who met 25-year old Kate Winsall at a party, then emailed in florid but heartfelt language to ask if she would meet him for coffee.

"This is the part where I throw caution to the wind, where I listen to my heart and remember that I should live my life as an exultation," he wrote. "If I am twice as lucky as I would dare to hope, you will find this note charming.."

Ms Winsall did not, it seems. She forwarded it to her sister and it flew around the world from there.

The phenomenon shows "the destructive potential of email as an instrument of social ridicule," says Tim Soutphommasane, an Australian PhD student who happens to be in Ms Gao's old college at Oxford.

If anything, he says, "I wonder whether email has made it easier for us to become more sadistic, since there's so little effort - and, it seems, responsibility - involved in forwarding an email to someone else."

On the other hand, few of us can resist the tantalising glimpse a private message allows into another person's life and dealings. Yet we should be wary. In the age of email we are all separated by just six degrees of humiliation.

Lucy Gao's email:

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all your replies and I am glad all of you can come this Friday to celebrate my 21st with me. Please read ALL the following to ensure your entry into the Ritz.

Lucy's 21st Birthday Party at The Ritz Hotel London
Friday, 18th of August
9pm Champagne Reception
10pm Photo Shoots
10:30pm Blowing Candles
Mid-night Pangaea, Mayfair

I have arranged the Ritz to host a Champagne Reception with a selection of Ritz Champagne for all my guests, this will be on me so please come and indulge.

A specially made birthday cake has also been ordered and the Ritz waiters will kindly serve you each a generous slice with Ritz cutleries, etc... also on me.


When you arrive, take the Hotel entry on the opposite side of the Green Park tube station [Please refer to your arrival time at the end of this email]
When asked "how can I help you Sir/Madame?", you reply "I am here for Lucy's Birthday Party at the Rivoli Bar"
You will be escorted to the lounge area next to the Rivoli bar, where you will hopefully see a gorgeous group of ladies.

If you experience any issues getting in or getting to the Ritz, please call my mobile on 07782 205 450 and my PA Ms Gill will kindly deal with your queries between 8:30pm to 10pm.


Gentlemen: Jacket, shirt, and please also bring a tie (no jeans, trainers, flip-flops, polo-shirts)

Ladies: skirt/top, cocktail dress (no denim, min-skirts, flip-flips, bad tastes)

Advice 1: It goes without saying that the more upper-class you dress, the less likely you shall be denied entry.

Advice 2: Photos will be taken between 10pm to 10.30pm, and these will be distributed once processed, therefore you may want to be well-groomed! ;)


I will be accepting cards and small gifts between 9pm to 11pm ... hehehe

I very much look forward to seeing you all at the Ritz this Friday.


ARRIVAL TIMES: [Please stick to these as best as you can, thank you]

9.00pm: Lucy, Sophie Sandner, Kajai, Mandeep, Preet, Sanami, Su, Lisa, Kate.

9.15pm: Phoebe, Sophie Seugnet, Theo, Dmitry, Ed, Nikolay, Paul, Nick, Harry.

9.30pm: Marco, Andrea, Jess, Ovi, Yuki, Olga, Kim, Marcelo, Ulyana, Krystal, Dan.

9.45pm: Sunita, Alan, JingJing, Emma.

10.00pm: Anthony, Rachel, Roger, Uli, Yogi, Gharzi



  • [此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-6 23:25:48编辑过]

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