[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/2 0:07:45编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/2 0:07:45编辑过]
Is your boss an American? Many Americans appreciate privacy more than anything. Unless you and your boss are also friends and she has explicitly expressed that she does not mind people’s visit during her maternity leave, it is not necessary to go visit her.
My boss just had her 1st baby a few months ago. She and I have had a close working relationship and I consider her as my mentor and a friend. So I kept in touch with her during her leave – called her a few times and also sent her a flower basket right after she gave birth to her baby. I never suggested going visit her though.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-27 3:03:30编辑过]
我老公的女领导跳槽了都邀请ex公司里的同事。不过我老公写了回复不参加,原因么。。。觉得没什么可联系的。私人生日party就不去了。不过到时候可能会写e card恭喜一下就是了。
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