[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-19 17:02:25编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-19 17:02:25编辑过]
是不是可以跟hr的人要求给你assign一个buddy? 还有其他组的根你差不多level的同事,你一样可以跟他们吃午饭的。我也发现跟上级,尤其sinior manager以上的,沟通起来觉得似乎有些紧张,而且比较难找出话题,不过刚开始总是要经过一段磨合期,才能慢慢发现根什么样的人怎么相处,我们一起慢慢加油吧
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-30 14:22:05编辑过]
it's totally up to you to social with existing coworkers, but not the other way around. They will come to chat with you if they are really, really nice, but in general, nobody knows you unless you introduce yourself to the guys.
don't be shy about asking for guys to grab lunch. It's really no big deal at all. I asked a guy out for lunch in my first day because other ppl were out for a conference. He paid for the lunch, we chatted, and then I bought him coffee and bronies, etc. later on. We are now buddies. It only took days for me to get familiar with a couple of other guys. when it comes to work, personally I don't think gender matters. They are all my coworkers, men or women:-) Don't worry:-)
it's totally up to you to social with existing coworkers, but not the other way around. They will come to chat with you if they are really, really nice, but in general, nobody knows you unless you introduce yourself to the guys.
don't be shy about asking for guys to grab lunch. It's really no big deal at all. I asked a guy out for lunch in my first day because other ppl were out for a conference. He paid for the lunch, we chatted, and then I bought him coffee and bronies, etc. later on. We are now buddies. It only took days for me to get familiar with a couple of other guys. when it comes to work, personally I don't think gender matters. They are all my coworkers, men or women:-) Don't worry:-)
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