各位兄弟姐妹们,真诚向大家请教:公司和学校的博士后那个更有助于今后的发展? 我是不想做教授的,我的目标是在大的制药公司找到一个职位,现在我想去的一个制药公司给我一个博士后的职位,实在是很难直接找到一个full time 的职位,特别是对于我这种从来没有工作经验,刚从学校毕业,老板名气有不大德情况。我们学校也给我一个博士后的职位。公司的工资会多一万4千左右。但是公司里我老公现在的学校有2个半小时的车程,实在是有点帕长期开高速。怎么办? 由谁有这方面的经验马?万分感谢!!!
各位兄弟姐妹们,真诚向大家请教:公司和学校的博士后那个更有助于今后的发展? 我是不想做教授的,我的目标是在大的制药公司找到一个职位,现在我想去的一个制药公司给我一个博士后的职位,实在是很难直接找到一个full time 的职位,特别是对于我这种从来没有工作经验,刚从学校毕业,老板名气有不大德情况。我们学校也给我一个博士后的职位。公司的工资会多一万4千左右。但是公司里我老公现在的学校有2个半小时的车程,实在是有点帕长期开高速。怎么办? 由谁有这方面的经验马?万分感谢!!!
MM, could you share with me the website of looking for Postdoc position?
Thank you very much
post-doc at the company suits you better
我当时特意问了一些面试我的人,其中一人很好,他告诉我有时公司不愿找自己的博士后,是因为别人公司的人可能可以提供一些别人公司的信息。In English, they said they prefer "diversity". Of course, not all company is like this. Some of them don't hire their post-doc just because they don't have the position available at that time. It also depends on that person's performance. However, I also asked my boss. He preferrs post-doc in academia since if your future boss may know more people. The post-doc in the company may only do you benefit to find a permanent position in that company. That's why I got confused. I don't know who is correct.
My point is that I don't want to be a faculty in the future. I want to go to industry. The compnay hire post-docs just because they don't need a long time position to finish that project. After that project is done, they don't need to fill you with another position. However, by working in the company, you may have more chance to know the whole process of industry since the research in industry is quite different than those in academia.
MM, could you share with me the website of looking for Postdoc position?
Thank you very much
I don't know any website for post-docs. You can search your field and if you find someone you are interested, just send emails directly to that person to see whether they have positions available or not. Of course some of the journals in your field will also post the possible positions.
Thanks a lot for all the suggestions. It really helps!
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