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06-06-18 14:32操作


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06-06-18 14:45操作

今天晚上是NBA总决赛第5场,热队经过一次又一次险情,反败为胜。感叹呀,last possession 巨大压力之下,只有技艺高超同时经验丰富的人,才能够在关键的时候投入致胜的一球!

比赛我是从第四节最后几分钟开始看的,之前一直在改程序,效率还算比较高。今天是一个好的开始. 太晚,去睡了~

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-18 22:33:54编辑过]

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06-06-18 15:51操作
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06-06-18 16:39操作
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06-06-19 22:30操作

今天表现还凑活。电视看了不到两个小时,一集law and order,还有ESPN sports center 的新闻,stanley cup也看了最后几分钟。没有大块时间上网,都是累了的时候瞟一眼,共计不超过45min。


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06-06-21 08:26操作
我手上有一套录音,叫100 ways to motivate yourself. 从今天起开始仔细听,并且记下笔记,方便阅读,同时练习速记。前言是这样说的:

100 ways to motivate yourself-change your life forever.
Written by Steve Chandler, read by the author.

I hope what I am about to say doesn't offend you, but you have no personality.That each of us has a fixed personality is a complete myth. We make ourselves up as we go along.
Charlie Chaplin once entered a "Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest" in Monte Carlo, and the judges awarded him third place.
The choices we make for our thinking either motivate us or they don't.
While clear visualization of a goal is a good first step to success in life, self motivation demands more.
To truly motivate yourself, in the life you wanna live, action is required.
As psychologist and author Dr. Nathaniel  Brandon has written:
"A goal without an action plan is a day dream."
Self-creation happens once self-motivation is mastered. One flows directly from the other. Motion creates itself.

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06-06-22 22:00操作

昨天出去玩了一晚上,今天起的很晚,最终也没有去学校[em01] 这是我一个很大的毛病,就是如果开始不好,便很容易放弃。比如哪天起晚了,很内疚,剩下的一天时间本可以好好利用,却想反正也晚了,不如给自己放假。。。检讨!检讨!


No1, create a vision:
Arnold Schwarzenegger was not well-known in 1976, when he and I have lunch together at the double-tree inn in Tuson Arizona. He was in town publicizing the movie "Stay Hungry". It was a box office disappointment that he just made. I was a sports columnist for the Tuscon Cityzen.My assignment was to spend a full day one-on-one with Alnold and write a feature story about him. So one point I causually asked him, "Now that you retired from body builing, what are you going to do next?" With voice as calm as he were telling about some mundane travel plan,as he said, "I am going to be the number one box office's star in Hollywood". I tried not to show my shock and amusement at his plan, afterall his first attempted movie didn't promise much. And his Autralian accent and awkward monster's build really didn't suggest instant acceptance by movie audiances. So I asked him just how he planned to become a Hollywood's top star."It's the same process I used in body building" he explains, "What you do is to create a vision of who you wanna be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true". Now notice that Alnold said create a vision, he didn't say you wait until you receive a vision. You create one, in other words, you can make it up.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-22 22:00:55编辑过]

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06-06-24 18:55操作


第二个motivation, 如果不知道树立什么目标好,想几个不切实际的也好。

No2,Tell a True Lie
Recently my 12-year old daughter participated in a poetry reading, in which all her classmates had to write a so-called "lie-poem" about how great they were. They were supposed to make up untruth about themselves that made them sound unbelievably wonderful. I realize that the children were doing what Arnold did, to clarify the picture of their future. By lying to themselves, there were creating a vision of who they wanted to be. So if it is hard for you to imagine the potential in yourself, you might wanna start to express it like a fantasy, like the children did when wrote the poem. Think of two stories of who you like to be. Without a picture of highest self, you can't live into that self.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-24 18:56:28编辑过]

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06-06-25 18:00操作



No3, Leave your comfort zone.

Our society encourages us to seek comfort, and yet only challenges will test our skills and make us better. Only challenge and the self-motivation to engage the challenge will really transform us. Every challenge we face creates a more skillful self. It is up to you to constantly look for challenges to motivate yourself. It is up to you to notice when you are buried alive in your comfort zone, then break it free and fly away.

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06-06-27 00:56操作


NO 4, find your key

I used to have the feeling that everyone else in the life has been issued an instruction book of how to make a life work. I for some reason wasn't there when they passed the books out. Still struggling in my mid 30s with a pessimistic outlook and no sense of purpose, I voiced my frustration once to a friend of mine, Dr. Michael Kellerbrook. He recommended a book to me. The name of the book was "The Master Key to Riches" by Napoleon Hill. What the book actually does was a lot more than just increasing my earning capacity, although by practicing the principles in the book my earning did double in less than a year, those advice ultimately sparkled a fire in me that changed my entire attitude toward life. Without fully understanding it, I was engaging in the process of completely rebuilding my own thinking. I was thought by thought replacing the old cynical and passive orientation of life with a new optimistic and energetic attitude. So what was this master key to riches? Napoleon Hill tells in his book, "The great master key to riches is nothing more or less than the self discipline necessary to help you taking full and complete possession of your own mind." Remember, it is profoundly significant that the only thing over which your have control is your own mental attitude. Maybe the Hill book won't be your own key, but I promise you that you will find your own instruction book if you keep looking. You will find it when you are ready to seek. It is out there, waiting for you.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-27 0:57:37编辑过]

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06-06-29 17:30操作

No 5. Plan your work
Many of think that we are too depressed right now to start on a new course of self creation. We are too upset. But  Napoleon Hill says that is the perfect time to learn life's most important rule. "There is one unbeatable rule for the master of your  sorrows and disappointment", he says, "that is the transmutation of those emotional frustrations to definitely planned work. It is a rule which has no equal." Once we get the picture of who we wanna be, definitely planned work is the path to self motivation. Definitely planned work contains the energy of purpose. One hour of planning saves three hours of execution. Most of us don't take the time to plan for an hour. We don't understand it will the most productive hour we spend, in stead we wonder into the world of place and react to crises and ironically most crises are results of failure to plan. Well, it is impossible to work passionately with a sense of purpose and feel depressed at the same time. Successfully planned work will motivate you to do more and more than you ever thought possible.
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06-07-10 10:13操作

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06-07-10 10:13操作
No6. Move your goal posts: 7:30
Your major goal should be exciting and specific at the same time

No. 7, dribble with your other hand: 8:20
Habit can be changed if practicing enough, so start thinking optimistically from now

No. 8, play your character 9:46
How you acts is who you become.

No. 9, Don't just do something. Sit there  10:30
Sit by yourself in complete quiet place and clarify your thoughts. Live your own dream.

No. 10, Use the right chemicals 11:25
Enjoy every moment of life and happiness will bring you energy.

No. 11 Leave high school 12:10
Forget about the embarrassment and live your simple life with dreams. Dare to take risks

No. 12  Lose face 13:00

No. 13  Sing without feeling 13:25
We do not sing because we are happy. We are happy because we sing.
Find a happy song and sing it.

No. 14  Kill your television 13:45
Which side of the glass do I wanna live on? You are paying to watch other people have fun.

No. 15  Read yourself a story 14:28
Reading aloud helps memorizing

No. 16 Get on your death bed 15:05
Imagine you are dying, and get reborn

No. 17 Be lazy to begin with 15:40
You can handle any job by breaking it down into small pieces. It is not about how fast you can do it, but you are doing it.

No. 18 Leave your friends 16:43
Pessimistic friends don't support your goals

No.  19 Plan your game 17:19
Control the pace. Create rather than repsond

No. 20 Find your inner Einstein 18:12
Everyone can be a genius. Use your imagination. Worrying is the misuse of imaginations.

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06-07-10 10:13操作
No. 21 Feel good first. 19:33
Happiness shouldn't depend on achieving something. Make your journey fun all the way, not just in the end.

No. 22 Run toward your fear  20:11
Fear kills us over and over again. Find something you fear and do it

No.  23 Just be unexpected 21:04
Creativity has nothing to do with originality. Everyone can be creative by acting unexpectedly.

No.  24 Create your relationship 21:45
Use mind instead of heart and gut

No. 25 Be where you are 22:56
Don't think about too many things at once. Focus

No. 26 Act like a hero 23:26
 Let your heroes life inspire you

No. 27 Accept your will power 24:28
Will power is like muscles to build

No. 28 Say no to yourself 25:15
Make decisions and gain self respect. Say no to temptations and the power passes to inside. Do at least two things each day that you don't wanna do.

No. 29 Make new word connections 26:15
Interpret everything positively

No. 30 Deprogram yourself 27:00
Filter out the negative news

No. 31 Open the present 27:50
Don't live in the past unless you like guilt. Don't live in the future unless you like fear. Focus on today

No. 32 Serve and grow rich 28:20
Money will make your family happy

No 33. Imitate Columbo 29:50
Ask questions, be curious to make friends

No. 34. Give Away Some Power 30:20
Share your idea with someone else. Offer help.

No. 35. Talk to Yourself 30:46
Ask yourself every morning: what's good in my life, what is there still to be done

No. 36. Schedule Your Comebacks 31:42
Progress is always a wavy line

No. 37. Live Youe True Life 32:39
Find out what makes you happy.

No. 38. Get Up on the Right Side of the bed  33:30
Right side of the brain can be stimulated by high sense of purpose

No. 39. Use Your Magic Machine 35:35
Activate whole brain thinking: goal setting, joyful work and revitalizing play

No. 40. Get Your Stars Out 36:30
Let the universe inside shine freely

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06-07-10 10:14操作
No. 41. Be a Finisher 37:00
Fatigue comes from not finishing your work. Buy a book and write down the things you finished.
Be a finisher!

No. 42. Invent Games 39:15
make things more interesting

No. 43. Interact 39:37
Actively relax. Link thinking to recreation.

No. 44. Live a Whole Life Today 40:45
Make each day your master piece. Make the proudest of your life.

No. 45. Welcome Your Problems 42:08
Every solution has a problem. Problems are not to be feared.

No. 46. Drive a Library 42:53
Use your drive time to educate and motivate yourself

No. 47. Rewind Your Thoughts 43:45
Write things down, put things up.

No. 48. Make Yourself Up 44:13
Always think what you have to do as easy and they will be

No. 49. Get Small 44:40
Set small and feasible daily goals

No. 50. Get Out of the Box 45:35
Don't create the future from past.

Side B:
No. 51. Advertise to Yourself
Four circles: day, month, year and life. Write your goals in each circle. Goals can be changing but by doing this, you are drawing a map of life

No. 52. Don't Stop Thinking 1:35
Always take action and feel hopeful. Say no to negative thoughts

No. 53. Debate Your Dark Side 3:03
Be a lawyer, find a opposite example for the negative thoughts

No. 54. Make Use of Trouble 3:40
Every problem carries a gift inside it

No. 55. Learn to Brainstorm by Yourself 4:35
List 20 ideas

No. 56. Create Your Own Voice 5:19
Sing at the top your lung to train your voice. Everything can be created

No. 57. Live on the Frontier 6:25
It is all about you can do; not about you have done

No. 58. Replace Your Habits 7:35
Bad habits can't be get rid of. It exists for a reason. Introduce a good replacement to satisfy the same need

No. 59. Paint Your Day 9:13
Be the artist of your day

No. 60. Swim Laps Underwater 9:45
Oxygen for the brains comes from your lung

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06-07-10 10:14操作
No. 61. Get Some Coaching 10:23
The coach can stand back from you and see you objectively. Ask you friend to be your coach

No. 62. Leave Home 11:20
Leave your comfort/safe zone. Break the limitation.

No. 63. Perform Rituals 12:30
Take the problem out to a long long walk. Anything like that.

No. 64. Start Your Life Over 13:45
Never too old to start

No. 65. Keep All Your Promises 14:26
so make reasonable commitment

No. 66. Give Some Luck Away 15:30
Help someone who will never repay you.

No. 67. Draw Your Universe 16:00
The 4 circle rules

No. 68. Get Up a Game 17:56
Find competition. There is always someone better than you but try to beat some else. Have fun winning or losing

No. 69. Turn Your Mother Down 18:55
Pessimism or optimism comes from the mother. But you can beat it.

No. 70. Face the Sun 20:00
When you face the sun, the shadow always falls behind

No. 71. Look Inside 20:34
travel deep inside and find your potential

No. 72. Go to War 21:04
we don't have to wait for something tragic, we can same vitality from self motivation

No. 73. Make Small Change 23:07
Great people can be created slowly. Love small changes

No. 74. Do Something Badly 24:03
If the thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly

No. 75. Be a Visioneer 24:46
picture yourself

No. 76. Shine Your Light 25:30
Take yourself lightly. Laugh

No. 77. Be a List-Writer 26:18

No. 78. Be the Change 26:47
Don't try to change other people. Change yourself first.

No. 79. See the Gold 27:28
Look for the gold not dirt

No. 80. Simplify  27:54

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06-07-10 10:15操作
No. 81. Pin Life Down 28:17
Plan! Take action. Let life respond to you

No. 82. Strengthen Your Purpose 29:38
Set goals and make achievement

No. 83. Go On a News Fast 30:17
Stop watching news and be optimistic

No. 84. Choose an Action 31:05
When you worry, think about what can you do about it

No. 85. Be a Thinker 31:32
Don't be a whiner. Provide ideas when see problems.

No. 86. Choose Enjoyment 32:34
Pleasure (eating, sex) vs Enjoyment (involving skills over challenges)

No. 87. Read Mystery Novels 33:31
Brain can be built

No. 88. Express Your Thoughts 34:15

No. 89. Use Your Weaknesses 34:30
Make a list of your strength and weaknesses. Feel no shame but think about them as your characteristics

No. 90. Try Becoming Your Problem 35:34
Own the problem, create the solution

No. 91. Inflate Your Goal 36:20
Double, triple your goal.

No. 92. Come to Your Own Rescue 37:13
You can't live a place that you have never been (start trying). No one is coming (be independent).

No. 93. Push Your Own Buttons 39:12
You can control what you listen

No. 94. Strengthen Your Rehearsal 39:48
The harder you are on yourself, the easy life will be. Rehearse in front of someone more scary

No. 95. Improve Your Vision 40:30
A vision should inspire you and gives your energy. Keep adding visions until they put you in action just by thinking about it.

No. 96. Build Your Power Base 41:10

No. 97. Link Truth to Beauty 41:35

No. 98. Take No for a Question 42:17
Can you be more creative than that?

No. 99. Walk with Love and Death 42:45
Take long walks, ideas come spontaneous. It gives electricity to your brain. Love vs. fear.

No. 100. Buy Yourself Flowers 44:30
remind you how colorful your future is. how sweet the universe can be. how easy you can change your environment.

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06-07-10 10:17操作
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06-07-10 20:47操作

lz +U +U

also thanks for sharing the file.

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06-07-11 12:24操作