怀孕3个月了, 大家说这事要不要在面试的时候说一下? 真是头痛啊..
还有想请教过来的姐妹们, 大概怀孕多久的时候就要开始准备请产假?请多久呢??谢谢啦.
怀孕3个月了, 大家说这事要不要在面试的时候说一下? 真是头痛啊..
还有想请教过来的姐妹们, 大概怀孕多久的时候就要开始准备请产假?请多久呢??谢谢啦.
I don't think you need to tell them at the interview. Anyway the fact that you are pregnant shouldn't affect their decision on whether to hire you or not.
All my coworkers worked till the last day. :)
MM be aware that some companies do not offer paid maturnity leave to employees who have been there less than 1 year. Normally paid maturnity leave is 6 weeks for natrual birth and 8 weeks for C-section. You can take up to 3 months if you want to, I think. The company is required to keep your position during this time.
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