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Monday: mroning, employee orientation by HR;
noon, lunch with HR
afternoon, online orientation for new employee(had not finished by today)
morning: IT orientation, project assigned by my boss (which needs 4 weeks to finish at least)
afternoon: learning how to do the project
morning: do project + all employee meeting held by President
not much time for lunch (20 mins)
afternoon: do my project
Tomorrow: visit another department, learn more
Friday: morning do the project, afternoon --- picnic.
this is my whole week, I am so tired. I wake up 6:30 am in the morning, and get to office around 7:45. My work start at 8am. Then I work all day. My official working hour ends at 4:30pm. I usually work until 5 or 5:30, since my husband picks me up late. In this case, I have more time to look at intranet and know more about the company. sign, so tired. I normally go to bed around 10 or 11pm. This is the first week of my first intern. Hope next week will be better.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-7 21:49:49编辑过]
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