被邀请去on-site interview, 但是对方没说付旅费的事情,我要怎么问比较合适呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-30 12:28:39编辑过]
被邀请去on-site interview, 但是对方没说付旅费的事情,我要怎么问比较合适呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-30 12:28:39编辑过]
You can ask like this, 'Would you like me to make arrangement for the trip and send you the receipts for reimbursement or would you prefer to make the reservation and send me the information for flight, hotels, rental cars and etc? I am OK with either, whatever is convinient for you.'
Good luck for the interview.
GXGX啊~真幸福~~有on site……
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