听家人推荐的,我姐夫所有衬衫都是brook brother的non-iron,据说洗完以后一抖就笔挺,大概洗10次才需要烫一次。今天我跑到brook brother outlet买了四件non-iron衬衫,刚刚洗了两件,拿出来果然笔挺。而且穿在身上效果也非常好,听说这牌子是street上的工作服,要是大家上班要求formal dress或去面试的话,是个很不错的选择。原价75左右,我付了30刀一件。
听家人推荐的,我姐夫所有衬衫都是brook brother的non-iron,据说洗完以后一抖就笔挺,大概洗10次才需要烫一次。今天我跑到brook brother outlet买了四件non-iron衬衫,刚刚洗了两件,拿出来果然笔挺。而且穿在身上效果也非常好,听说这牌子是street上的工作服,要是大家上班要求formal dress或去面试的话,是个很不错的选择。原价75左右,我付了30刀一件。
did you buy those two for yourself? no matter it is female's or male's, it is a good deal.
did you buy those two for yourself? no matter it is female's or male's, it is a good deal.
their shirts are very nice and popular.customer service is good, too.
the fit is on the loose side though. for the guys who prefer more slim fit, department stores sell other brands with similar qualities, too.
I feel their size is about the same as Jcrew. But their size is not consistent, it varies sometimes. I am big in Chinese girls, so size is not an issue for me in the U.S.
I feel their size is about the same as Jcrew. But their size is not consistent, it varies sometimes. I am big in Chinese girls, so size is not an issue for me in the U.S.
why cry? I'm even bigger than you!
To me, one of the most appealing advantage of living in US is that I can get clothes that fits me perfectly. hehe
their shirts are very nice and popular.customer service is good, too.
the fit is on the loose side though. for the guys who prefer more slim fit, department stores sell other brands with similar qualities, too.
professional opinion
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