What are the pros and cons for women to work or to be a house wife?
I am still deciding if I should work or stay at home. I really hate to work the accounting firms.
Any good suggestions?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-3 0:59:09编辑过]
What are the pros and cons for women to work or to be a house wife?
I am still deciding if I should work or stay at home. I really hate to work the accounting firms.
Any good suggestions?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-3 0:59:09编辑过]
Be independent! Depending on another person financially is not wrong, but I personally think if you like to keep your life style (i.e. spending habit), it will be better if you work. Plus, what's wrong with accounting firms? I love my work as an independent accountant.
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