要relocate了, 公司说"provide one-way flight for employee and immediate family", 我妈现在和我们在一起, 她的机票谁买?
要relocate了, 公司说"provide one-way flight for employee and immediate family", 我妈现在和我们在一起, 她的机票谁买?
Immediate family 包括父母,子女和配偶。
我问了我的relocation consultant, 她问我我妈是不是permenently live with me, 我老实回答不是,她说那么我得自己花钱给我妈买机票。
I feel immediate family here means spouse and kids under 18, or kids under 22 if they are students. You can see it clearly if you buy insurance for your family. Parents are never going to be included in your family insurance plan.
I feel immediate family here means spouse and kids under 18, or kids under 22 if they are students. You can see it clearly if you buy insurance for your family. Parents are never going to be included in your family insurance plan.
i agree. that's what i am thinking
No. Parents are extended family.
我被你们弄糊涂了。这么说法相差这么大阿。算了, 自己买吧。
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