需要从中西部搬到西海岸,公司帮助搬家,家里东西很多(2 bedroom apt塞得满满的), 没有概念大概要花多久收拾搬家。所有东西打包让搬家公司搬走, 车子运走,去新地方住temporary housing, 适应几天。有经验的给个估计?最少需要多少天?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-19 17:42:56编辑过]
需要从中西部搬到西海岸,公司帮助搬家,家里东西很多(2 bedroom apt塞得满满的), 没有概念大概要花多久收拾搬家。所有东西打包让搬家公司搬走, 车子运走,去新地方住temporary housing, 适应几天。有经验的给个估计?最少需要多少天?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-19 17:42:56编辑过]
I think this might be the last chance of your "free time", you should bargain for more time to rest unless you really want to start the job quickly.
不清楚啊。看了一下,offer package里头说“Pack and shipping of up to 15000 lbs of household goods”, 难道是说我自己完全不用收拾, relocation company会帮我把所有东西装箱?
yeah looks like they pay packing
do they have a partner in relcoation? just give them a call, make an appointment...then you are all done...
btw, i would check how long they pay for temporary housing...since in case my stuff is not there, i would schedule a later appointment with relocation company...just in case...
generally a month is a very reasonable time to ask...not that you cant finish moving...you probably can finish within a week...but...it is hard-earned chance to relax...
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