MM 要是不存在身份问题无所谓。否则还是再考虑考虑吧。MBA实际上是没有专业。(希望不会OFFEND到别人。只是个人在美国奋斗的体会。)可以骑马找马。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-13 13:45:57编辑过]
MM 要是不存在身份问题无所谓。否则还是再考虑考虑吧。MBA实际上是没有专业。(希望不会OFFEND到别人。只是个人在美国奋斗的体会。)可以骑马找马。
It all depends on your own background.
purpose of MBA: make connections for a future career change/promotion
MBA is [very] useful only if:
1) you have working exp;
2) you are in top program, so you can social with "successful" people.
If you only need a job, or to learn professional skills (stat/CS/...), MBA is not your choice.
You should take it more seriously. Long distance/dislike stat/accnt are not good reasons for MBA.
My previous reply may be too harsh. Let us go to the positive side.
1) You can try some majors like public relation, public management, or, even try to be a realtor.
2) ask yourself: how many MBA can I take in my whole life?
the answer is: at most one.
So why now in a so-so program? Keep the chance, start your career. Later in your life, go to a top one when you are more ready, professionally and financially.
3) MS program is short, 1.5yr. So it really does not matter much where you study. 1.5yr long distance is harsh, but that is not the real problem. the real problem is what will be 1.5yr later.
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