just 3 days, i donot think it is a long time. did they tell you when they will make the decision? i see from other posts, maybe u can just email the HR, since they donot make decision, and they wonot think u are pushy.
hiring manager说会尽快出结果。然后人事部门的人说一周之内告诉我结果。
可是人事部门的人这两天出差, 我等着实在心急, 打电话问hiring manager应该不会有什么不妥吧。他说过有什么问题欢迎随时打电话(没有特别指说打电话问结果)。
我周一面试, 今天周四了, 我觉得他们应该开会讨论过结果了吧?
我打了, hiring manager还挺热情的, 说还在收集feedback, 结果出来会尽快让hr的人通知我。
算了, 不去想了。休息两天, 现在也定不下心来准备别的interview。
agree, 还可能会对将来negotiate造成不利。不过看mm已经打了,就不要太担心了,轻松一下吧。
That makes a difference. But what do you mean by "非正式offer"?
再问问,收到一个口头offer, HR的人问我salary expectation, 我讲得有点高, 会不会影响拿offer?
顶一顶。顺便问问被通知口头offer之后会有些什么步骤, 如果口头offer时就被要求表态是否接受, 怎么说?salary negotiation是什么时候做?怎么说?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-9 1:38:54编辑过]
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