yes, we have a gym, too. I do feel much better everytime after exercising. If you don't have gym in the company, at least take a break during lunch hour, walk around, have the blood flow from your head to your body.
It's more like do you exercise your horse.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-24 12:09:38编辑过]
yes, we have a gym, too. I do feel much better everytime after exercising. If you don't have gym in the company, at least take a break during lunch hour, walk around, have the blood flow from your head to your body.
lz可以去那里看看,有很多锻炼的jms. 不过我觉得要是既工作又锻炼的jms专门有个group就更好了,会更有共同话题。说来惭愧,我最近都没怎么好好锻炼
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-24 14:10:26编辑过]
It's more like do you exercise your horse.
I am taking a sick day off today (really sick, fever 101), but you can see, I spend all my time here.
I am taking a sick day off today (really sick, fever 101), but you can see, I spend all my time here.
me too! i was off sick yesterday. but still not so well today. so i'm giving myself a break and watering here.
//hug, hug, wish you get well soon
//hot tea (i liked to use that icon and used it a lot in jianshengfang, but seems that one disappeared!)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-24 14:15:29编辑过]
Same here!
me too! i was off sick yesterday. but still not so well today. so i'm giving myself a break and watering here.
//hug, hug, wish you get well soon
//hot tea (i liked to use that icon and used it a lot in jianshengfang, but seems that one disappeared!)
Thanks. hope you recover soon, too.
和我的情况一样! 我有时候中午锻炼,但就要牺牲午饭(买简单的回公司吃)。
和我的情况一样! 我有时候中午锻炼,但就要牺牲午饭(买简单的回公司吃)。
理解理解:) 所以我最近都没怎么锻炼了
我在生宝宝之前一般每周都会打一两次网球,家里有stationary bike,看电视的时候可以锻炼一会儿. 晚上有时侯练yoga.
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