All, my company (Fortune top 50) is in a strong need to add quality staff to our controller’s office and portfolio division, very competitive salary and benefits package. If interested, please read the entire post carefully and email me in the exact format I specified.
The company: Financial Services. Fortune top 50, every year. Top 100 companies to work for, every year. Multiple locations, but most current positions are in area.
The opportunities: Multiple openings at each level
Controller’s Office: Have openings for Director, Manager/Senior professional and Professional level positions, generally look for the following skills sets: Accounting, FASB, SOX, financial reporting, data mining.
Typical positions by level:
Director: Bachlor +,10 yr +, leadership or equivalent.
Accounting, Business Analysis, Portfolio Securities System Support
Manager/Senior Professional: Bachelor+, 8yr+, Master preferred, or equivalent.
Manager:Accounting Policy, financial processes, financial reporting, loss forcasting, Tax, financial systems, project manager.
Senior Financial Analysts: Liability & Derivativies, Securities analysis, financial datawarehouse
Senior business analysts/IT analysts/ developer: financial datawarehouse
Professional: Bachlors+, 3-5yr+, master preferred in most positions, or equivalent.
Financial or business Analysts: Financial reporting, tax, securities, financial systems
Portfolio Division: Have openings for Director, Manager/Senior professional, Professional and Junior professional positions, generally look for the following skills sets: Derivatives, debt, financial engineering, modeling, fixed income, risk management, business requirements
Typical positions by level:
Director: Bachlor +,10 yr +, leadership or equivalent.
Fixed Income Applications/MOD, Portfolio Risk management
Manager/Senior Professional: Bachelor+, 8yr+, Master preferred or equivalent.
Senior Financial Engineers, Financial Analysts, Security Analysts, Developers, Economists, project managers, Risk manager
Professional: Bachlors+, 3-5yr+, master preferred in most positions.or equivalent.
Financial Engineers, Security Analysts, tester, trader, cash management.
Junior professional: Bachlors+,2 year+,or equivalent.
Associate Financial Analysts
If interested and feel qualified, please email the following to me:
Email body: Specify the following: Controllers or Portfolio, level. (exact title is optional), then
First Name, Last Name, Email address in resume, resume in text(ASCII) format as email body.
Email attachment: Word version of your resume.
Please email to [email protected]. Thanks.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-19 17:42:22编辑过]