Normally it should be good. But you never know. If you have other offers, don't reject any at this time unless you get the offical letter.
There's no 100% sure thing in this world. You can get fired or laid off during the day even though you started the morning happily. I've seen this a few times though I wasn't myself.
谢谢大家的热心帮助!今天公司来电话给offer具体内容了,我准备周末给答复,然后他们就出paper offer,并开始办H1-B签证。
谢谢大家的热心帮助!今天公司来电话给offer具体内容了,我准备周末给答复,然后他们就出paper offer,并开始办H1-B签证。
恭喜恭喜啊! 是在本地吗?
great, I really like your articles and you are one of my role models from huaren, now you will be closer to me.
不错不错, 南加还是北加?很兴奋吧? BIG CHANGE! 我也有可能搬到加州 就看LG的今年的情况了
看起来应该没有问题了阿! 恭喜妹妹!
不错不错, 南加还是北加?很兴奋吧? BIG CHANGE! 我也有可能搬到加州 就看LG的今年的情况了
现在到加州不一定是好时机,好区过得去的房子都要上million啊 除非有一个可以和房价比美得offer
Congratulations!! Now there should be no problem.
I want to say something about oral offer and written offer. For big company, the oral offer is sort of secure but for small firm, even written offer is not. Once I got a written offer from a small firm with all signitures beyond myself, I told them I will return the form with my signitures in a few days. You know what, they took back their offer overnight and said they can't afford me. So be careful when dealing with offers from small company. Some of them are not professional or honest.
谢谢yonglin MM,这是个好建议。我准备下礼拜就彻底答复这个offer了。
谢谢大家的热心帮助!今天公司来电话给offer具体内容了,我准备周末给答复,然后他们就出paper offer,并开始办H1-B签证。
请问H1是一去就办么?不是应该现用OPT吗?MM PhD 已经答辩了?
请问H1是一去就办么?不是应该现用OPT吗?MM PhD 已经答辩了?
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