A few more tips i just thought about:
1. Knowing when to say no - Chinese culture and tradition ask for humbleness and accomodation. In the working world, you are respected for your cooperation and teamwork, but you are also respected for knowing when to say no and knowing how to set your boundary. This is especially true if you are a manager, you don't want to be know as a push over, you won't be respected for that. For example, if one of your direct reports is making an unreasonable request, you need to say no. If one of your peers is pushing his/her load to you all the time, you need to say no.
2. Knowing when to take credit - While modesty is a good trait, to move ahead, you need to make yourself visible in the organization, not just to your boss, but also to your boss' boss and his boss. If you have done something above and beyond the call of duty, make sure you publicize it, and your management and peers know about it. For example, if you come up with some more efficient method/process of doing something, share it with your boss, your peers, and offer to present or train others outside of your immediate team in leveraging the new process...
3. Knowing when to give credit - To foster good relationship with others, particularly ppl that can help you do your job better and easier, but don't report to you. If they have done something nice for you, send them a nice thank you letter (email is fine), and make sure you copy their boss on it. It doesn't cost you anything other than a few minutes of writing, but next you ask for something from that person, you'll get it.
4. Knowing when to share credit - This is particularly important for managers. I have seen some managers who try to claim all credit themselves without acknowledging their direct report. This reflects very poorly on the manager both from above and below. From above, the boss would think the manager doesn't know how to utilize/empower his ppl. From below, the direct reports would not have the incentive to work hard. Remember, as a manager, sharing the credit will help you move forward, of course this is build on the premise that you are secure enough with your own position and ability.
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