#4 讨论dieting 和weight loss
me: I'm lazy. I'm tired of going to the gym. Em, if you know a healthy way that can lose weight, but without exercising, I would really appreciate that.
em: En, let me see. I do know a lot of unhealthy ways though.
me: like what?
em: Developing a eating disorder? Go through a nerv breakdown? Or get a really serious disease?
G: you want to lose weight? just don't eat. go on a diet.
me: I can't do that. If I give up sth, I'll crave it so much that eventually I'll just give up and eat a lot of it.
G: Then count calories. That's what my parents do.
me: I did. I usually just eat 1100-1200 per day. But I'm not losing weight.
G: then go lower. maybe below 1000.
em: No, you can't do that. If your calorie intake is too low, your body will go into a "conservation mode". It's gonna hang on to every pound of fat that you have and refuse to give up any. You'll only lose proteins and water, which means muscle. And that's bad.
me: I see. i guess I'll just motivate myself to keep going to the gym.
em:yes. have fun there.
[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2007-6-22 17:59:10编辑过]