Some tips for meeting facilitation:
Sooner or later, as you move up the corporate ladder, you will need to run meetings. Running an efficient and effective meeting takes practice and methodology:
1. Have an agenda, knowing what the objective is for the meeting. Is it to get something approved? Is it to brainstorm? Depends on the objective, the meeting format will vary.
2. Knowing whom to invite, think through the stakeholders, make sure you have the right people in the room, otherwise, decision won't be made
3. Premeeting preparation - Most times, before the meeting, i would speak to the key stakeholder 1:1 to understand their agenda and concerns, this way, i have a good idea how the meeting will go, and where the issues may be and i can prepare for them ahead of time. You don't really want too many surprises at the meeting, it could really derail the meeting.
4. Start the meeting - As the meeting organizer, it's your responsibility to set the tone of the meeting. I always start the meeting by stating the objective of the meeting, and provide background information to get everyone on board, and state the ground rules if there is any. For example, if there are certain known issues or things you don't want to discuss, state that upfront.
5. Facilitate the meeting - Maintain control of the meeting. Make sure no one person is dominating the discussion, allow different parties to speak up. Don't let multiple conversation take place at the same time.
6. Reiterate the key decision/points - often during the meeting, you will reach some interim conclusion/decision. As the meeting organizer, make sure you restate the decision to get everyone on the same page. Often, i found that different people have different takeaway. during the meeting, make sure the decision is understood by all attendees. I often write it on the board to remind ppl what has been decided.
7. Wrap up - always summarize the meeting decision/findings at the end. Assign action items to people as need, make sure you get an ETA on action items. Figure out the next steps, for example, if another meeting is needed to finalize everything.
8. Post meeting - Always send out a meeting summary of what was discussed, what was decided, what was tabled, and who need to to what. I can't tell you how many times people try to reverse the decision months later, without something in writing, you will have to renegotiate again.
[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2006-10-17 15:45:37编辑过]