1) to woman/man with a baby, you can always ask "how's the baby" or "how's baby XXX doing?
2) if you know someone is from another country, you can say "i just read an artical about XXX on WSJ" etc.
3) to a newcomer, you can ask "how do you like it so far"
4) "where do you live" and "how's your commute" can always be a topic
5) to someone who's preparing for an exam - "how's the study going"
6) you can always talk about business travel - how often you travel and where have you been
7) talk about the current housing market, how expensive houses are. chances are the person you talk to knows someone who recently bought/sold a house
[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2007-6-16 18:48:07编辑过]