第三个:谈论小米的两个孩子Tom & Nick.
Tom loves to draw and he's only 1
we're amazed
he might be an artis
Nick had no interest in it at that age
now we have to worry about Tom marking up the walls
with Nick we thought we might have that problem, but he wasn't interested in drawing, so he never drew on the walls
sounds like they are so talented! you must be so proud
my husband watched Tom draw and he said he was both proud and sad
proud that he can draw, but sad that there aren't many jobs doing it
maybe he can find something that's not 100% drawing but requires extensive drawing skills or knows how to appreciate a drawing product
maybe. who knows? he's totally focused when he draws. maybe he'll be more detail oriented. Nick just draws haphazardly, but maybe he'll be more creative
they're smart in different ways
[此贴子已经被Alexandria于2007-6-13 20:06:23编辑过]