我觉得你逻辑有问题。我是说爱不爱做research, 又没说钱途前途的问题。冲着钱途读Ph.D., 还是免了吧。
I think for most of the people 读phd“找工作选择余地小,工资比硕士多得有限, 实在是劳民伤财的一件事情. I don't know very many fresh Ph.D.s got salary twice the salary of a fresh master's with the same major. If it is not doubled, I don't think it is worth doing, all the time, efforts, stress associated with Ph.D pursuing process are overwhelming.
I am not trying to complain, just want to share my experience with others so those who just started Ph.D process but doesn't like doing research at all may need to give it a second thought about whether to continue or not.
"至于你自己要不要读和为什么读phd,nobody cares." I think you are a mean person and 逻辑和理解力都有问题.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 20:39:01编辑过]