DIY Apple cider vinegar tonics
成分:玫瑰花水2fl.oz, 薰衣草花水2fl.oz,apple cider vinegar 4ml
购买:花水的购买不用多说了。apple cider vinegar 偶还是在farmers' market买的,32fl.oz才4刀,超级白菜。
也许大家觉得做4fl.oz太多,下面的配方来自garden of wisdom的论坛,喜欢的话,可以借鉴借鉴。
"For VERY sensitive skin cut these amounts in HALF!
Makes 2 ounces
1 part vinegar to 30 parts liquid
1/2 tsp vinegar to 2 oz liquid
2 grams vinegar to 60 grams liquid
2 ml to about 60 ml liquid
preservative if you wish
Makes 1 ounce
(This is the version I suggest making because you will go through it so quickly and only need to make it once per week)
1/4 tsp vinegar to 1 oz liquid
1 gram vinegar to 30 grams liquid
1 ml vinegar to 30 ml liquid
preservative if you wish
Makes 1/2 ounce
1/8 tsp vinegar to 1/2 oz liquid
.5 grams vinegar to 15 grams liquid
.5 ml vinegar to 15 ml liquid
preservative if you wish (I personally don't use preservative in my version of this)
The liquid can be aloe juice, gel, distilled water, hydrosols, steeped tea, what have you...
Also during winter time I like to add glycerin or honey to my toner to help with keeping my skin from getting dry! You can add about 5%"
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/17 19:17:21编辑过]