Treatment Oil for Massages
By Tisserand
a vigorous thigh massage, apply this cellulite treatment oil. When
applied, this blend of rosemary, juniper, cypress, and other essential
oils will increase the circulation in the skin, and thereby break down
fatty cellulite deposits. Skin will be left looking and feeling firmer
and smoother.
a vigorous thigh massage, apply this cellulite treatment oil. When
applied, this blend of rosemary, juniper, cypress, and other essential
oils will increase the circulation in the skin, and thereby break down
fatty cellulite deposits. Skin will be left looking and feeling firmer
and smoother.
Sweet Almond, Jojoba, Vitamin E, Essential Oils.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-16 13:17:17编辑过]