3.两种body cream及比较
第一种:乳化蜡做的body cream。我加了70%的纯露,2%的乳化蜡,橙子精油,杏仁油,甘油,shea butter等等。做出来的body cream看上去还是比较细腻的,不过放一段时间之后,有出油的现象,如果是当成body cream用,还是没有问题的,也很滋润。但是如果当成护手霜什么的用,我觉得是不太满意的。
第二种:BTMs和乳化蜡的混合乳化剂,我在看书的时候,发现一段话:“You will never use one emulsifier alone for a lotion - you might for bubble baths, body washes, perfumes, and so on, but for a lotion, you need a system. We want to combine a low HLB emulsifier (the one that loves oil more) and a high HLB emulsifier (one that loves water more) at a level that will match the HLB of our oil phase. And we'll want to add enough of these emulsifiers to ensure we get proper, stable emulsification of our product. ”
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/29 15:45:27编辑过]