记得之前就有在天使上看过一篇贴子,说MRH 的玫瑰果油的氢化迷云。。。
正解~ 谢谢MM的详细解释。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/24 9:22:05编辑过]
你查的是什么字典呀?氢化油英文是 hydrogenated oil,一般都是固体或半固体的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/24 9:22:31编辑过]
Thank you for contacting us and for your support of Mountain Rose Herbs!
No, winterization and hydrogenation are entirely different and unrelated processes. In winterization, an oil is chilled and filtered to remove the waxes and stearates so that it will not solidify at low temperatures. In hydrogenation, hydrogen gas is forced into the oil at high pressure. This converts the essential fatty acids into a different chemical form, which results in the oil having a longer shelf life with less tendency to go rancid. However, consumption of hydrogenated oil has been linked with heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Mountain Rose Herbs does not sell or stock any hydrogenated oils.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/25 16:18:05编辑过]
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