我老实交代,昨天我也去了BBW,买了50%off的基地油,一瓶grapeseed oil, 1 bottle of avacado & jojoba oil.
买了4小瓶75% off 精油,不过还得再研究1下,有2瓶是pure essential oil $46 (original price), 2 bottles of pure essential oil blend, (only $19 original price.)
偶也买了这两个, 可是怎么用呢?....
冰雪mm可不可以教教我? 谢谢!!!
偶也买了这两个, 可是怎么用呢?....
冰雪mm可不可以教教我? 谢谢!!!
you can DIY cleansing oil out of it.
if you have oily skin, use grapeseed oil; for normal skin, use the other one with some sweet almond oil, add 15% tween 20 or tween 80.
( I am so happy that I can share my experience with others)
you can DIY cleansing oil out of it.
if you have oily skin, use grapeseed oil; for normal skin, use the other one with some sweet almond oil, add 15% tween 20 or tween 80.
( I am so happy that I can share my experience with others)
谢谢热心的mm!!! 本来以为要被砸了呢~
Thank you!!!偶也来帮一把~
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