If anyone did that to my daughter
oh my God
he/she will be in deep trouble with me.
all of my grandparents were great to me
Very lucky...
but you know what
my mom was very very tough
she hit us (me and my sister, mostly me) like there is no tomorrow
when she was mad, she pick up anything she could use to hit
Hated that!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-26 0:46:02编辑过]
可是不看还好,可怜的紫湖MM啊。。。 纸巾用了若干
If anyone did that to my daughter
oh my God
he/she will be in deep trouble with me.
all of my grandparents were great to me
Very lucky...
but you know what
my mom was very very tough
she hit us (me and my sister, mostly me) like there is no tomorrow
when she was mad, she pick up anything she could use to hit
Hated that!
so sorry to hear tht....
My mom hit me when i was young,but i had to admit tht at tht time,I was so naughty so I didnt blame my mom at all
so sorry to hear tht....
My mom hit me when i was young,but i had to admit tht at tht time,I was so naughty so I didnt blame my mom at all
I was not an angle
my mom had bad temper
2 combinations
not pretty at all...
after all,
I am still very close to my mom
she is a super grandma
all kids love her
she is the one telling us not to hit our kids now
We joke with her all the time
that we didnt get 10% of her love she has for the grandkids
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