混合肤质, 夏天小油冬天干燥缺水
这是我常备的洗面奶,早晨单用它就够力,晚上我先用棉片沾它干洗(汗,就是不沾水抹来抹去),再用Eucerin Gentle Cleanser 洗一遍。有姐妹说它卸装不干净,我觉得还好吧,可能和我一般只上隔离/散粉有关系。但我用棉片沾它能卸掉lancome的睫毛高的,不小心弄到眼里也不会刺激,实在是个性价比很高的产品。
5/5, Normal to combination.
Used to love foaming cleanser. Possess one Cataphil for combination to oily almost a year. At the beginning, last fall, I also thought it as so-so. Used randomly. EL splash away was my favorite that time.
However, recently, I begin to love it more and more. Feels good, not dry at all. It cleans well and sometimes make me think EL that one may be too strong.
Generally apply it in the morning, but sometimes also use it in the evening. By the way, I just wear a thin layer of loose power in daytime.
Wonderful finding, will let my family try it later this fall. They all love splash away! And i am sure they will love this one too.
推荐for oil skin 的cetaphil!!!很多人都用的cetaphil得温和款,我一开始买错了,买了for oil skin的那款,想不到用起来效果特别好,其实我不是油皮,是混合,冬偏干,夏偏油,但是这款for oil的用着很舒服,能去掉皮肤表面一天堆积的灰尘和浮油,而且很温和,洗后也不干。有淡淡类似六神花绿水的味道,还很提神呢。非常的不错。喜欢,还会再买的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-7 15:21:23编辑过]
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