另一个考虑是在这里选个destination wedding,看到版上有mm去夏威夷,很漂亮,我估计不会去那么远,怕最后都没人去,就两个人。想去个4小时左右车程的风景区。这样其实严格上不算destination wedding拉,那些主要都是夏威夷,巴哈马之类的地方
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-8 1:49:04编辑过]
另一个考虑是在这里选个destination wedding,看到版上有mm去夏威夷,很漂亮,我估计不会去那么远,怕最后都没人去,就两个人。想去个4小时左右车程的风景区。这样其实严格上不算destination wedding拉,那些主要都是夏威夷,巴哈马之类的地方
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-8 1:49:04编辑过]
Q: Are Guests Unlikely To Attend A Destination Wedding?
A: If you plan on inviting only a select number of your closest family and friends, chances are they will be able to attend your destination wedding -- especially if it has been discussed far in advance.
看来跟亲戚朋友要早点招呼。因为我毕业后relocation,很多朋友四海奔波去了,所以本来也很难让他们来。幸亏有个好朋友接受了一个附近的job offer,现在她的小女儿快1岁了,希望她下一年快快长大,给我们做flower girl
Q: Are There Advantages To A Destination Wedding?
Location. a chance to throw a party in an exotic location.
Guest List. A shorter guest list makes for a more intimate celebration, while decreasing the likelihood of unwanted guests showing up.
Less Stress. Assuming you’re not a control freak, the stress of planning will end up falling on the on-site coordinator instead of you.
Weddingmoon. It’s a wedding and honeymoon all rolled into one, so after you’ve said good-bye to your last guest, your work is done. There’s nothing to pack and no airport to head to because you’ve already arrived!
我们现在的初步想法是不要 honeymoon,因为总会有远道而来的少数朋友,想陪朋友一起有一些活动,爬山啥的
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-10 1:24:17编辑过]
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