最近为registry发愁。原因是我和lg都面临毕业找工作,房子都不知道在哪呢,一点都不想要收礼物。但是lg的家里一定让我们要registry.想问问姐妹们有过wedding registry经验的,除了Bed Bath & Beyond以外,还有别的什么地方能过return with full refund?很多地方,像target,如果是gift receipt的话,只给store credit, 没有full refund.
最近为registry发愁。原因是我和lg都面临毕业找工作,房子都不知道在哪呢,一点都不想要收礼物。但是lg的家里一定让我们要registry.想问问姐妹们有过wedding registry经验的,除了Bed Bath & Beyond以外,还有别的什么地方能过return with full refund?很多地方,像target,如果是gift receipt的话,只给store credit, 没有full refund.
try weddingchannel.com and theknot.com
then when will you talk about it?
没什么吧, 有人就是这么干的, 作为受邀者我也没觉得有什么不妥, 反正大家本来就是要送点什么的, 与其想得头大, 不如直接告诉人家你想要什么好了, 那个wedding registry 还不是一回事?
then when will you talk about it?
For proper wedding etiquette, you don't mention gifts in your invitation. If you do, you are assuming that everyone you invite should bring a gift, however, your guests shouldn't feel obligated to. Where you registered or what kind of gifts you prefer is strictly word of mouth, if people want to know, they can call you, your maid-of-honor, or your parents to find out.
then when will you talk about it?
For proper wedding etiquette, you don't mention gifts in your invitation. If you do, you are assuming that everyone you invite should bring a gift, however, your guests shouldn't feel obligated to. Where you registered or what kind of gifts you prefer is strictly word of mouth, if people want to know, they can call you, your maid-of-honor, or your parents to find out.
这个操作起来还真的不是你想的那么简单, 我们就有朋友打电话或者网上聊天的时候问我们想要什么礼物, 我们说没有registry, 反正最后就是说到红包上了, 反而感觉怪怪的, 人家还说我们太直接, 与其这样还不如请柬上直接写明好了, 搞得半推半就别别扭扭的很没意思. 我的同学还有没办婚礼(不在我这)就 直接打电话来通知我他要收红包了, 我也高高兴兴的给了啊, 没那么多虚套.
MM也要结婚了, 恭喜恭喜! 你说的是不错, 这写明礼物的话摆在那儿是不那么好看, 只是如果像楼主这样不想收礼品形式的礼物, 如何暗示确实要费些周折.
MM 也是九月阿,恭喜恭喜。 我们就没找什么wedding consultants的,就自己搞。有朋友打来问我们在哪registary,由于我们也不搞什么registary,就直接说"monetary gift preferred”。我想lz mm要是不想搞美式的registary,就跟熟些的朋友直接说红包呀。
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