qianlong 发表于 2022-12-08 16:26
2022 - "CODA"
2021 - "Nomadland"
2020 - "Parasite"
2019 - "Green Book"
2018 - "The Shape of Water"
2017 - "Moonlight"
2016 - "Spotlight"
2015 - "Birdman"
2014 - "12 Years a Slave"
2013 - "Argo"
2012 - "The Artist"
2011 - "The King's Speech"
2010 - "The Hurt Locker"
2009 - "Slumdog Millionaire"
2008 - "No Country for Old Men"
2007 - "The Departed"
2006 - "Crash"
2005 - "Million Dollar Baby"
2004 - "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
2003 - "Chicago"
2002 - "A Beautiful Mind"
2001 - "Gladiator"
2000 - "American Beauty"
1999 - "Shakespeare in Love"
1998 - "Titanic"
1997 - "The English Patient"
1996 - "Braveheart"
1995 - "Forrest Gump"
1994 - "Schindler’s List"
1993 - "Unforgiven"
1992 - "The Silence of the Lambs"
1991 - "Dances With Wolves"